Let's discuss a few of the attributes of this diet for your dog.
- Eyes brighten and clear up, no more running or gook in the corners
- Allergies improve and disappear
- Hair or coat becomes softer, shiner and healthy
- Energy and vitality increase
- Fluid in ears disappears
- Bad breath freshens and teeth are healthier and whiter
- Hydration increases. and the need for drinking water decreases
- Innate senses sharpen
- Immune system functions increase their ability to fight off disease and infections
- Visits to the veterinarian decrease or become non existent, saving you time and money
- Heart and muscle mass improve and strengthen
- Stools reduce in size and become bio degradable
- Gas expulsion becomes a thing of the past. All food is completely digestible. No more silent embarrassing smells from the dog in front of your guests
So why RAW? Here's some reasons why...
- Nearly all the commercial dog food contains undigestible ingredients and euthanized animals. This is even true with most food recommended by a veterinarian , as they are in the business of treating SICK animals. Read this from the Animal Protection Institute
- This diet allows the animals to eat the way they were originally designed to eat, not the way humans have conditioned then to eat.
- If you are on the raw diet too, you both can enjoy the same basic meals. This allows for a closer bond to form between you and your pet. They LOVE eating what you eat.
- The raw diet reduces or eliminates: allergies, dry skin and rashes, arthritis, gas, bloating, bad breath and inflammation anywhere in the body
- The diet increases health, immune system function, fertility and quality of life
- This raw diet increases energy, alertness and JOY!!
- Consuming organic fresh fruits and vegetables helps heal the planet and future generations by supporting conscious, healthy farming practices, Everyone wins!
- Always use as much certified organic produce and meat as possible, for both you and your pets
- Feed a mix of about 60% produce to 40% meat, fish, or poultry
- Be sure to vary the type of meat, poultry and fish you feed and include organ meats like liver, gizzards and heart
- You can if you choose feed raw chicken necks ( after they eat their regular meal ) to provide a source of calcium as well as to give them some chewing exercise for their jaw muscles. If you do not fell comfortable feeding these an option is raw eggs. Put 1-3 raw organic eggs into a blender and liquify. Add to your pet's food about 3 times per week
- Provide raw meaty bones, such as beef knuckle or shank, for dental health and chewing enjoyment, at least 2 times per week
- Never feed onions, grapes, raisins or chocolate. Some people also include green beans, tomatoes, avocado and garlic. I feed avocado and garlic and offer tomatoes and green beans.
- Feed enough food volume so your pet can eat all it wants and leave a little in the bowl. For my 60 lb dog I feed about 1/2 lb meat with 2-3 cups vegetable and fruit mixture, plus 2 snack meals per day of about 1 cup each
- Consider adding supplements such as:Pure Synergy, Vitamineral Green, coconut oil, fulvic minerals, sea vegetables such as kelp, dulse, sea lettuce, wakame, or marine phytoplankton and a tocotriene complex for anti oxidants and flavor
- Be sure your pets always have fresh filtered water available. I use ionized alkaline water with a few drops of Crystal Energy to make it more absorbable
I usually make Crystal's food in batches, I keep 3 days worth in the refrigerator and freeze the rest. When we travel I just freeze everything and take it in an ice chest. It will last about 5 days and then you need to find a store to buy some commercially made frozen raw food. Whole Foods carries several brands that are good. My favorite is Primal. This is the only raw food I have found that uses all organic ingredients and does not use synthetic vitamins and minerals, everything comes from food. This is an excellent food.
Good luck, I hope this article has given you a little in site into what you are feeding your beloved pets, and maybe an option for something better, for everyone, you , your pet and our planet. Here's the video I made to show you just how easy it is to make your pets' food. Until next time....
My dog enjoys his meals with some nutritious add-ons in it like kelp powder and mega cal. These provide many other health benefits to my dogs.