One of the fastest and healthiest ways I have found to alkalize and loose weight, at the same time cleansing and strengthening the body is to juice organic green vegetables. Ok, now you are thinking, that has to taste nasty and I don't have time to do all that work. Ask yourself, do I have time to be sick and not work or be in the hospital? If the answer is no, then you can make the little time it takes to juice. From start to finish it takes me about 15 minutes to make 2 large glasses of fresh green juice and clean the juicer. Here is one of my favorite recipes, it tastes like marinara sauce, only thinner!
6-8 stalks celery
1/2 medium cucumber
1/4 sweet onion
1/4 bunch parsley
3 basil leaves
1 roma tomato
1-2 kale leaves with stem
1 -2 hot peppers ( if you like spicy )
Start by getting all the ingredients washed, trimmed and proportioned on the counter. When you have everything gathered begin to juice. I usually begin with a slice or two of cucumber. It works best if you alternate between the vegetables that create foam and those like celery and kale that help clean out the juicer. A matriculating juicer like Tribest Green Life or Champion are the best as far as the quality of the juice. They press the juice at a relatively slow speed, therefore preserving the nutrients and enzymes of the vegetables. These juicers are fast and easy to use as well as to clean. They will also make ice cream, sorbet and grind nuts or grain into flour. For more information of juicers and comparisons check this website: Raw Guru.
There are tons of green juice vegetable combinations to play with, you will not get bored I assure you! Be sure to always include celery, as it is one of the major alkalizing vegetables. In a 110 gram serving, there is 105 grams of water, the kind that can be readily used by the body to hydrate the cells. You will also receive 10% of your daily value of vitamin A, 6% of vitamin C, 40% of vitamin K, and 10% of needed folate. Along with the vitamins celery provides 4% calcium, 8% potassium, 4% sodium and 6% manganese. The sodium and potassium not only help alkalize your body fluids, they also work together to flush out the toxins in the cells as they control the flow of fluid in and out of the cells. Cucumbers are also great, as they provide you with a good volume of liquid as well as nutrients. Using half a cup, 52 g of cucumber, 49.5 grams are water, again in a form that your body can immediately use to hydrate at a cellular level. There is 11% of your daily value of vitamin K, 2% vitamin C and 1% vitamin A, folate, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6. There are also large amounts of magnesium, a mineral 90% of Americans are deficient in, potassium and manganese in just the 1/2 cup! Kale and parsley are also important vegetables to alkalizing, as they provide much needed calcium and chlorophyll, along with many other nutrients and minerals. Both kale and parsley are some of the strongest anti inflammatory vegetables along with being fabulous sources for vitamin A, C and K. Parsley is also a great source of iron, providing 21% of your daily value for just 1 cup.
So do your best to include these 4 vegetables every time you juice. Remember to ALWAYS use ORGANIC. Organically grown produce is at least 50% higher in vitamins and minerals compared to its conventionally grown counterparts, and you will be doing your part to help heal our planet for the upcoming children.
So a fresh organic green juice ( 12 oz ) once or twice a day will keep the holiday pounds away, and give you the energy and immune system boost you need to sail smoothly through the holiday season. Try something different this year. Come January, you'll be grateful you did! Tis the season for green juice!!
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