Tuesday, June 8, 2010

World Ocean Day

 Hi Everyone:

Today is World Ocean Day, and boy we sure can use it now. As the days roll by and the oil keeps pouring into the Gulf waters by the millions of gallons,( currently 25,490,800 gallons) I am happy that at least for today there is light shining on this very precious resource. Chevy and Jayni Chase, Ted Danson, Roz Savage, Brian Skerry, Sylvia Earle along with many others are speaking out to help bring awareness to our valuable water resource, the oceans. Thank you one and all for your dedication and exhausting efforts. Do you realize that 70-90% of the oxygen we breath comes form the Marine Phytoplankton in the oceans? If they die from pollution, over acid conditions or other factors, we may die also from oxygen depravation. This is now becoming a very realistic outcome, and one which I'm sure no one truly wants to manifest. Much has changed in our oceans in just 50 short years, what will happen in the next 25 years? Are the planetary oceans reflecting the personal toxicity within the mass human population? When will it be time for a juice fast and cleanse, both for humanity and our planet?

Watch as researcher Sylvia Earle from Mission Blue, as she describes the ocean changes from her personal experience over her 50 years of ocean research.

To help save the oceans and all the beautiful living species in them I believe conscious awareness and daily choice are greatly needed. You first must become aware, and then make deliberate daily choices that are for the highest good of the ALL. This is being responsible and living in harmony with the larger whole, humanity, our planet and later the universe and other planets. What steps can someone take to get started living more aware and conscious?

What you can do NOW...
  • Seek out information, get educated, as you do you will connect to more people that are doing the same
  • sign petitions - sign one now to STOP oil drilling NOW GO HERE TO SIGN NOW
  • start a daily practice of good deeds in your own daily life
  • ask when you make decisions, " is this for the highest good of myself and the ALL"
  • choose organic foods that help sustain the planet and future generations instead of pollute 
  • share the information you receive with others to help enlighten them and bring awareness into their life
  • recycle, compost if you can
  • start communities or groups to share resources
  • choose to eat Organic vegetarian or vegan foods and NOT seafoods
  • grow your own food and share with others
  • pray for the oceans in what ever way works for you
  • choose paper or bring your own cloth bags when you shop
  • stop using plastic in your life and wearing synthetic clothing as much as possible
  • use your money and choices as your VOTE, if you don't support companies by buying their products, they will have to stop making them. When enough of us stop buying the toxic products they will go away or be transformed into healthy choices for everyone
  • join groups that help educate and raise awareness like Oceana or Mission Blue
Here are a couple videos to get you started. After you watch the amazing Roz Savage join her group Eco Heroes and start doing eco friendly deeds every day. Be sure to share this with all your friends and family to get them going too. Everyone must help to reverse the toxicity of this beautiful planet before it is too late.

This video is from National Geographic Underwater Photographer Brian Skerry. his story and pictures are AMAZING. You will see and learn about a wide variety of species that live in our oceans and what humans are doing to devastate some of them.

So please take time to increase your awareness, make personal choices that honor yourself and the planet and join some groups to spread the information and save our planet.

Dr. Diondra

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