Saturday, May 29, 2010

Raw Vanilla Cookies

                                Raw Fruit Filled Vanilla Cookies


What a great day it has been! First thing this morning I did a 2 hour webinar with Dr. Bradley Nelson on the Emotion Code. He worked with so many people that it turned into a webinar about his Body Code course. I got to release several emotional blocks from just following along with the people he was working on. He announced the 2 day weekend Emotion Code workshop here in Las Vegas, July 30 and 31st. If anyone is interested go to his site, Dr. Bradley Nelson, for more details. If you can't make the workshop and would like to learn the Emotion Code system, you can join his membership site for only $24.95 a month and watch the seminar on the site.  Dr. Nelson has created so many ways for anyone to learn this simple technique that radically improves your life, there is no reason you should not be able to heal quickly and easily and live the BEST life right NOW.

This is my favorite time of year. I love the weather, the flowers, sweet smells of the fruit blossoms and most of all the fresh fruit and berries that are coming into season. This year I have whipped up these fabulous vanilla cookies. You will need a dehydrator or your oven to make them. These are one of the most " like cooked" raw cookies I have ever made. I fashioned them after a cookie my mother used to make. They are very versatile. In the picture above you see them filled with various fruit coulis. Another way to make them is similar to a graham cracker. Just fill the dehydrator sheet with the dough, level it to about 1/4 inch thickness, and score the dough to the size of cookie you would like. The best part of this style is you can dip them later in chocolate and have a chocolate graham cracker that is absolutely delicious and lasts several months in the refrigerator. You can also take the same graham cracker shape and mix a little coconut palm sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle it on the top. These will turn out crisp and sweet, great alone or as a compliment to some raw almond or coconut ice cream. Be creative and have fun with these little gems. They are mostly alkaline, quick and easy to make and a wonderful nutritious treat for all ages. Please remember to buy as much as possible ORGANIC, detoxify yourself, while you help detoxify the planet. Support ORGANIC Farmers and Growers.

Raw Vanilla Almond Cookies
Makes about 30 cookies
2 cups almond pulp ( use pulp from making nut milk, brazil nut, almond, cashew, etc )
4 TBS palm sugar
2 TBS blue agave syrup
1 TBS chia seeds, ground
4 TBS pure water for chia seeds
1 TBS vanilla powder
pinch salt

Grind the chia seeds and soak them in the 4 tablespoons water, set aside. In a bowl mix the almond or nut meal, vanilla powder, sugar and salt. After the dry ingredients are completely mixed, stir in the agave and adjust the flavor. Then add the soaked chia seeds and mix throughly. Spoon the dough onto a dehydrator sheet, and form into desired shape. To make the cookies in the picture use a tablespoon or scoop of approximate size. Make a thumb print into the center of each ball and form the walls around, leaving a well for the fruit mixture. Dehydrate at 115 degrees about 15 hours until totally dry and crisp.
When cookies are dry fill with any fruit coulis.
Fruit Coulis
Mash several fresh berries with a fork and mix in a small amount of raw honey to make a thick sweet paste. Fill cookie wells and dehydrate again for about 30 minutes to set the mixture on the top. I have used raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry and coconut with the honey.

Watch for my new video.....Chocolate, Chocolate, and more Super Chocolate! I'm going to show you how to make real raw chocolate that is simple and super nutritious, plus lots of ways you can use it. This recipe will go from elegant romantic candlelight fondue to kids play day in the kitchen.

Enjoy and Many Blessings,
Dr. Diondra

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